Older residents and people with frailty in Basildon and Brentwood are encouraged to attend our Slipper Swap events to swap their old slippers for a free pair of new NHS approved slippers. The slippers have secure fastenings and robust soles to help prevent falls.
Walking indoors in worn-out slippers, barefoot or in socks can increase the risk of falls, slips and trips which lead to them spending time in hospital or receiving treatment at home. This can make people feel less independent and more socially isolated.
Dates for the Slipper Swap events:
- 26th March, 2pm – 4pm at the Nightingale Centre, Brentwood, CM14 5WF
Residents do not need to book to attend.
The project aims to prevent trips and falls and encourage residents to increase their activity levels and remain independent.
Improving your strength and balance and preventing fallsLocal organisations and services are working together to help prevent falls and provide support to residents, including:
- Basildon and Brentwood Alliance
- Basildon Council
- Brentwood Council
- NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board
- Sports for confidence
- Social prescribing
- Peabody
- Essex County Council – Care Technology Service
- CareCall 247
- Active Essex
- Essex County Fire and Rescue Service
- Essex Cares
- Healthwatch
- Health Check – Essex Wellbeing Service
- Achieve Thrive Flourish
- Clarion Housing
- Sheltered Housing