Are you an Allied Health Professional, a nurse, a medic? Are you a social worker, a therapist, or a care worker?
Are you interested in clinical and care professional leadership and driving change in your care area or supporting at a system level across mid and south Essex?
What is Clinical Leadership?
Our Clinical Leadership and Innovation Directorate aims to harness clinical and multi-professional leadership to improve value and ensure services are integrated and equitable. As a system, we want frontline staff, across all care areas, to play a leading role in how our resources are used to improve population health and service quality – as Stewards, or in system, Alliance or organisational clinical leadership roles.
Clinical and care professionals in mid and south Essex come together to contribute to the future development of our system, under the banner of clinical and care professional leadership.
We have great clinicians who have worked hard to offer care and provide services in difficult times. However, there are opportunities to modernise, improve services and transform the way in which we work. We need to work much more closely with our local people and communities to understand how they wish to be served and cared for.
System clinical leads are a relatively new role, established to work across both aspects of the Integrated Care Board and the Integrated Care Partnership. They play a key role in developing strategic priorities and linking these to how we deliver for our communities, driving behaviour change, whilst seeking to complement, connect and amplify the work of system partners to achieve tangible outcomes for our communities.
The roles are accountable to the Executive Medical Director and support planning and delivery of our Integrated Care System’s strategic aims.
How do we recruit clinical leaders?
There are transparent approaches in place to identify and recruit leaders, which promote equity of opportunity and the development of a professionally and demographically diverse talent pipeline, which reflects the community it serves. Role are advertised via Our People Your Future and the MSE ICB Communications Team promote these across the system.
Who are our Clinical Leads?
System Clinical Leads support a variety of clinical priority areas across the mid and south Essex system and include:
- Cancer
- Children and Young People
- Dermatology
- Ears, Nose and Throat
- End of Life Care
- Health Inequalities
- Integrated Urgent Care
- Long COVID
- Maternity
- Medicines Optimisation
- Mental Health
- Musculoskeletal Health
- Ophthalmology
- Population Health Management
- Service Restriction Policies
- Virtual Wards
Please contact: [email protected] if you are interested in finding out more about a particular lead.
Clinical and Care Professional leaders work across the system including all four alliance areas. Here are the key contacts for each Alliance area:
Basildon & Brentwood Alliance – [email protected]
Mid Alliance – [email protected]
South East Essex Alliance – [email protected]
Thurrock Alliance – [email protected]
Clinical and Care Professional Leaders Faculty – what we are and how to join
The Faculty is a virtual group for aspirant and emergent clinical and care professional leaders (CCPLs) from across mid and south Essex. These individuals are from health, community, social care, secondary care, voluntary organisations and education providers. The Faculty supports the development of CCPL leaders, supporting their talent management and providing training and education and highlighting wider development opportunities and roles.
It serves these broad functions:
- To support individuals who identify themselves or who have been identified by their organisation to be an emergent or future clinical or care professional leader in MSE. The faculty links them to others across the system to enable networking and peer support and learning.
- Once in the faculty, emergent and aspiring leaders will be invited to the bespoke mid and south Essex Faculty leadership development programme; in 2024 this has been a series of 6 sessions developed to support leadership skills.
- Faculty members receive communication directly about stretch opportunities and training for system and alliance leadership roles as well as being able to support programmes developed by the CCPL Council.
If this sounds like something you would like to be part of, please contact: [email protected]
Clinical and Care Professional Leaders Council
The Clinical and Care Professional Leaders Council brings together senior leaders from across our system nominated by the System Medical Director, Executive Chief Nurse and Director of AHPs from local providers. The Council works collectively, as part of the wider system architecture to identify, hold, support, train, develop, challenge, and deploy Clinical and Care Professional Leaders across the mid and south Essex system in support of the delivery of Integrated Care System priorities.
Their purpose is to monitor, develop and embed Clinical and Care Professional leadership in line with the five guiding principles and ensuring systems leadership and the Clinical and Care Professional voice remains a the heart of what we do. The five themes to the work of the Clinical and Care Professional Leadership council include:
- Communication: Maintaining effective line of sight across our structures and maintaining communication across all levels of our system.
- Learning from practice: Through shared learning, our Clinical and Care Professional Leaders can collaborate and innovate with a wide range of partners, including patients and local communities.
- Development: Clearly define and make visible the support for Clinical and Care Professional Leaders, including support to develop their leadership skills to work across organisational and professional boundaries.
- Support: Ensure adequate protected time, IT support and infrastructure is available to carry out their system leadership roles. Develop and offer mentorship for Clinical and Care Professional Leaders.
- Identify and Recruit: To construct and maintain transparent approaches to identify and recruit Clinical and Care Professional Leaders, promoting equity of opportunity and a professionally and demographically diverse talent pipeline reflective of the community it serves.
The work of these five themes will then be undertaken within one of the faculties Special Interest Groups.
Leading better Together
The Clinical Leadership and Innovation directorate hosts annual Leading Better Together events, designed to bring leaders working in clinical and care professions across our Integrated Care System together. The events enable shared learning about new developments, supporting shared and common goals and emphasise values such as the importance of compassionate leadership and wellbeing, as well as being a key networking opportunity.
Clinical and Care Professional Leadership whole-heartedly supports and prepares the ground for the Stewardship approach – to learn more about this, please click here.