We are committed to using data to understand your needs so that we help you to stay healthy, and to provide the best possible health and care services when you need them. This data also helps us tackle health inequalities. It lets us plan for both current and future health needs of our community. And it ensures we provide services that give residents real value for money. When we launched the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (ICS) in July 2022, we saw an opportunity to improve the way we use data.
Enter Athena – our system-wide data and analytics platform launched in March 2023.
Previously, organisations in our ICS only had access to different sets of data, which didn’t always line up. Athena brings together vast amounts of information into one platform to provide a single source of truth.
Much like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, Athena helps professionals across mid and south Essex see a more complete picture of our community’s health. But it’s more than just a tool for us; it’s a promise that the decisions we make are informed by the most relevant and up-to-date insights.
But what does this mean for you? By analysing broader trends and patterns, Athena allows us to better anticipate our population’s health and care needs. It’s as if we’re looking at a weather forecast, preparing in advance for what’s coming. So, if there’s a rising need in a particular area, like diabetes care or emergency treatments, we can be one step ahead and ensure resources are in place.
And these aren’t just numbers on a screen. Athena’s dashboards translate data into actionable insights. Imagine a weather app not just showing temperatures but advising on what jacket to wear or whether to carry an umbrella. Athena helps us to understand how best to serve you.
Your privacy is always a top priority for us. While Athena gathers extensive health and care data, all information is anonymised. Only authorised healthcare professionals can reidentify you, ensuring you can be reached for additional healthcare services if needed.
Athena is more than just a platform – it’s our commitment to adapt, innovate, and serve you better. For everyone living in mid and south Essex, it means a health and care system that doesn’t just work from information but truly understands and anticipates your needs.
As we continue to grow and learn, Athena will be at the heart of our efforts, ensuring you always receive care that’s both informed and tailored to you.
Find out more about our digital and technology work.
Digital, data and technology