The NHS in mid and south Essex is reminding people to order their repeat prescriptions in plenty of time before the bank holiday weekend.
On bank holiday Monday, GP practices will be closed, and pharmacies will either be closed or have different opening times. This will mean that there will be less time to organise repeat prescriptions than usual.
NHS Mid and South Essex is asking residents to make sure they order their repeat prescriptions at least seven days before they are due to run out.
If you have a repeat prescription, don’t leave it too late to order before the bank holiday weekend. You should make arrangements at least seven days before it is due to run out. This will give pharmacies enough time to make sure they have the right medicines and can safely dispense.
And if you are going away, make sure you and your family members bring your medication with you. You will need enough to last for your whole trip as well as extra in case of any delays getting home. If you’re going abroad, just make sure to check the rules of the country you are going to.
Dr Anna Davey, GP lead for NHS Mid and South Essex
On the bank holiday weekend, urgent and emergency services will be open as usual. NHS 111 online and phone lines are available 24 hours a day for advice on symptoms, and emergency lines are always open for serious and life-threatening emergencies.
In case of a mental health crisis, adults can call NHS 111 and select the option for mental health at any time. Young people under 18 can call 0800 995 1000.